VPC native k8s clusters have quite a few advantages:
- POD IPs are directly routable. This eliminates the need for a load balancer to hop from node to pod. Instead traffic can reach PODs directly minimizing latency.
- POD IPs are reserved before PODs are created. This helps avoid POD IP collision with existing resource IPs.
- Firewall rules can be configured for POD IP ranges instead of node IP ranges.
- POD IPs can be accessed from on-premise connected networks via VPN or cloud inter-connect.
VPC native cluster requires a subnet for cluster nodes, 2 secondary subnets inside the subnet for nodes - one for POD IPs and another for service IPs.
Commands to launch a VPC native k8s cluster quickly:
Create VPC network:
gcloud compute networks create gke --project=[project_id] --subnet-mode=custom --mtu=1460 --bgp-routing-mode=regional
Create subnet and secondary ranges for POD and services:
gcloud compute networks subnets create primary-subnet --project=[project_id] --range=
--network=gke --region=asia-south1 --secondary-range=pod-subnet= --secondary-range=service-subnet=
Launch the cluster:
gcloud container clusters create gke-cluster \
--network gke \
--enable-ip-alias \
--subnetwork=primary-subnet \
--cluster-secondary-range-name=pod-subnet \
--services-secondary-range-name=service-subnet \
--num-nodes 3 \
--zone asia-south1-b
Initialize kubeconfig:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials gke-cluster --zone asia-south1-b
Deploy a nginx POD:
kubectl run nginx --image nginx
Expose POD via cloud load balancer:
kubectl expose pod nginx -l run=nginx --port 80 --type LoadBalancer
Access exposed POD via load balancer IP:
curl [load balancer IP]